1. What are empathogens
Empathogens increase our ability to empathize and care for others. We are strengthened by the idea that people around us accept us socially, and therefore it becomes more pleasant to establish an emotional connection with them. Substances in this group can make us friendly and open, but they can also cause dehydration, depression, and sudden shifts in mood.
Empathogens and the brain
Empathogens cause the release of dopamine and serotonin in the brain. Serotonin controls mood, appetite, and sleep, and can make us feel relaxed. Dopamine is a neurotransmitter and is involved in the processes that control how we feel pleasure and interest in the outside world.
Methods of use
Empathogens such as MDMA are generally available in tablet, crystal, or capsule form. They are generally swallowed, but can be snorted or taken rectally
Use of any drug always carries some risk, so it’s important to be careful when taking any type of drug.
The range of effects of empathogens depends on the following factors:
Our height, weight, and health
The dose of the received substance
Strength and quality of the drug
Whether other drugs are taken around the same time
Tolerance (how accustomed our body is to receiving an empathogen)
Effects can include:
A sense of pleasant emotional connection, mutual understanding and unity with others
Sexual arousal
Increased energy
Risk of overheating and dehydration
Erectile dysfunction
Serotonin syndrome
Mixing with other substances
Using empathogens with other drugs can be dangerous. The health risk increases if a drug of this group is mixed with another substance that also stimulates the release of serotonin in the brain. High serotonin levels can develop into serotonin toxicity, a very dangerous condition characterized by confusion, agitation, sweating, increased heart rate, and muscle spasms, and can be fatal.
2. Safety
Using empathogens is more dangerous when:
We mix them with alcohol or other drugs
Driving or operating a machine, as the ability to perceive space and distance is very limited under the influence
The drug is taken in an unsafe environment. It is better to take empathogens in a comfortable environment for you, with people you trust
We take them often or in large doses
We are alone as we may need medical attention
We engage in energy-demanding activities such as dancing
We have mental health problems.
Addiction and tolerance
People who regularly take empathogens develop tolerance and addiction to them. Increased tolerance leads to the need to take a larger dose to get the same effect.
With frequent use of empathogens, there is a high chance that the brain does not have enough time to restore serotonin levels, which may cause depression and depressive syndromes.
Drug addiction can be psychological, physical, or both. Addicts find that drug use is more important to them than other activities. They have strong cravings for the drug and find it very difficult to stop using it.
Physical dependence occurs when the human body gets used to the drug and functions under its influence. And those who are psychologically dependent tend to use the drug in a particular emotional state or environment, such as a certain social environment.
EMCDD, 2018, ‘Brief Glossary of Terms : Empathogen’ EMCDD, 2018
MDMA: Empathogen or love potion? (2010, December 29). Biotech Week, 741
The Drugs Wheel. (n.d.) Drugs and the Brain
NPS Medicinewise. (2003). Serotonin syndrome
Queensland Network of Alcohol and Other Drug Agencies Ltd. (n.d.) Stimulants and SSRIs
Harm Reduction Victoria. (n.d.) MDMA/’Ecstasy’
Drugs and Me. (2018). MDMA